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Terms And Conditions


Whilst every care is taken of the dogs undergoing hydrotherapy and in the maintenance of the water and equipment, all dogs receive hydrotherapy entirely at their owner’s risk.

1.Owners are ultimately responsible for their dogs whilst on site. In the interests of our neighbours and other patients of JS Canine Hydrotherapy, we ask owners to ensure their dog is kept on a lead at all times.

2.All treatment courses, including those to be part of an insurance claim, must be paid for either at time of the swim or in advance as part of a treatment package. We ask that no requests be made for credit or concession as our fees are fixed and refusal may offend.

3.Discounts on treatment packages cannot be backdated.

4.Where a block of treatments has been purchased and a request for reimbursement of unused swims has been made, the refund shall be calculated by dividing the amount paid (after discounts) by 10 and then multiplying it by the number of swims left unused (net of any cancellation penalties that may have been applied).

5.Swim sessions will be charged in full if an appointment is missed or cancelled without 48 hours notice. If owners arrive more than ten minutes late for a scheduled appointment, we will not be able to swim the dog unless there is a free appointment immediately following. If this is not possible it will be classed as a missed appointment and charged in full.

6.Dogs will not be swum without the prior authorization of a registered veterinary surgeon. 

7.Owners understand that by registering with JS Canine Hydrotherapy, they give permission for JS Canine Hydrotherapy to obtain and discuss details of their dog’s medical history with Veterinary surgeons, nurses, physiotherapists or any other complementary therapists.

8.Dogs with infectious or contagious conditions, such as ear, eye or skin infections, will not be allowed to swim. Owners are advised to cancel all appointments with at least 48 hours notice, until the condition is clear. Normal cancellation conditions will apply.

9.Bitches in season will not be able to attend sessions until their season has finished.

10.JS Canine Hydrotherapy will require sight of the dog’s vaccination certificate prior to their first swim. In the absence of this, we will require the owner to sign a disclaimer to indemnify JS Canine Hydrotherapy against any claim for injury, damage or loss occasioned as a direct result of the lack of immunization.

11.Owners are required to notify JS Canine Hydrotherapy if, during a course of treatment, the dog’s condition or injury worsens, or if the veterinary surgeon advises that the treatment is to be stopped or suspended.

12.JS Canine Hydrotherapy reserves the right to refuse treatment to any dog.

13.Owners are requested not to bring dogs other than those who are going to swim to JS Canine Hydrotherapy.

14.Owners are requested not to feed their dogs for at least 2 hours before swimming and to ensure the dog has done its ablutions before arriving. Whilst we accept that ‘accidents’ do happen in the pool, particularly as we are dealing with old and infirm patients, we do reserve the right to levy a surcharge of £25 if we feel that the reason for the ‘accident’ is due to the lack of opportunity for the dog to toilet before swimming. We also recommend that no food be given for at least an hour after swimming.

15.When not in the pool, all dogs must be kept under control and on a lead, accept in cases where the dog is unable to walk unassisted.

16.It is the owner’s responsibility to clear up after their dogs whilst on the premises and the surrounding environment in the event of an ‘accident’ occurring.

17.JS Canine Hydrotherapy cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage to vehicles or personal property, however occasioned, whilst on the premises. Nor can they be held responsible for any loss or injury to any person or animal, howsoever occasioned, whilst on company premises.

18.JS Canine Hydrotherapy is not the ideal environment for young children. Should it be necessary for owners to bring children, in the interests of health & safety and the well-being of others dogs on site who may be unwell, they must remain with the accompanying adult at all times whilst on the premises.

19.JS Canine Hydrotherapy reserves the right to take video footage and photographs during sessions that may later be used in marketing material.

20.When visiting JS Canine Hydrotherapy, all persons are advised to wear sensible shoes with slip-resistant soles if possible. The floor in the pool and surrounding areas can become very wet and may become slippery.

21.Please ensure your dog is as clean as possible before entering JS Canine Hydrotherapy.

22.Visitors are required to obey instructions given by staff and observe the ‘one-way’ system within the building.




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